The Slope Survey returns for its 27th installment, this time with Park Slope resident and writer/performer Tami Sagher

Tami Sagher is a television writer (Life and Beth, The Great, Orange is the New Black) and performer (Search Party, The Babysitters Club, Don’t Think Twice). She has a monthly improv show with Chris Gethard (creatively titled Sagher and Gethard) at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective.
On Instagram @tamisagher
What brought you to Park Slope?
I’ve loved Prospect Park ever since training for a half marathon there with Team in Training. It’s such an amazing park, no matter the season. Living within walking distance is such a gift.
What is your most memorable Park Slope moment?
I spent eight months of the pandemic in London for a job. Within 24 hours of coming back, there was a stoop concert going on in front of my neighbor’s home. This terrific jazz trio playing, all these masked neighbors lining the sidewalk… I felt so lucky to be here.
Describe your community superpower.
It’s more my dog’s super power, and I benefit by being the one on the other side of the leash. Mabel is a 12 year old pitbull, and was used for puppies until she got dumped 5 years ago. She’s still got this incredible mama dog energy, very calm and loving and gentle with every dog and kid. She’s also really arthritic and moves slooooooowly so when I’m out with her it’s like walking a celebrity tortoise. I’ve ended up knowing everyone on our block as a result. I actually scored an invitation to Thanksgiving one year because the family loved Mabel. I was basically her plus one.
If you could change one thing about the neighborhood, what would it be?
Have the B train run on the weekends.
What do you think Park Slope will look like in 10 years?
Picturing how anything is going to look in the future makes me queasy.
What are you reading, would you recommend it?
The last couple of books I read and loved were Vladimir by Julia May Jones and Weather by Jenny Offill, I recommend them both highly.
What is your greatest extravagance?
I always have way too many Coke Zeroes on hand. I love opening the fridge and seeing at least a dozen cans there. I don’t worry about finishing off a can that’s gone flat, I just crack open a new one like I’m the Queen of France or something.
If you couldn’t live in Park Slope or in Brooklyn, where would you go?
Somewhere near good friends —unless those friends live in LA. I’ve had to live there for years, and there’s something about it that drains me. Mark McAdam has a great song about being allergic to Los Angeles, and that’s what it feels like.
Who is your hero, real or fictional?
There are plenty of people I admire, but hero feels like too much pressure to put on anyone’s shoulders — even for a fictional character.
Last Word, What’s is turning you on these days?
Troubled Sleep bookstore on 6th ave. My tortoise-dog pulls me in there every time we pass by, and they’re always so sweet to her. They sell new and used books, and I’m always amazed by the range of titles they carry, especially considering the size of their store.