Park Slope Reader has made the decision to boycott Facebook/Instagram for the coming weeks and through to the election. #stophateforprofit
This is because of Facebook’s policies and history of false advertising, surveillance and data-mining, and allowing hate speech and other hate groups to continue sharing content on their platform. Likewise, Facebook’s ties with interfering in the 2016 election. These policies do not support the political, cultural, and social values of us here at Park Slope Reader. We strive to keep an open and honest platform that continues to support fair and free democracy, something that the policies, algorithm, and inner workings of Facebook does not allow.
We will no longer be running paid advertisements and post boosts on Facebook and Instagram.
While you will still be able to see our articles and other posts shared on our social media platforms, they may not come through your feed as regularly as in the past. This means we need your help to share our posts on your own Facebook or Instagram pages to help us reach the same number of readers on social media without using paid advertisements. You can also turn on your post notifications to make sure you don’t miss any of our upcoming summer articles!
Make sure you follow Park Slope Reader on all social media platforms. And our hashtag #psreader!
Follow us on Facebook and turn on your post notifications.
Follow us on Instagram and check out the tag #psreader!
Thank you for your help and continued support!
Additional information on the Facebook Boycott and #stophateforprofit movement.